Standards & Legal Compliance in FM

About this course
The Certificate Course in “Standards & Legal compliance in FM” is a comprehensive program designed to cover the essential skills and knowledge that a practising Facility Manager will require as they become more senior in their roles and need to devote more time to FM quality standards and compliance in their organisation, effectively perform the role of Management Representatives (MR) in various audits and stay up to date on current and future industry trends in this area. The program is designed for Executives who are already working in the FM industry at middle management levels with at least 8 years of supervisory / managerial experience and wish to enhance their skill sets with this essential qualification for professional growth.
The learning objectives:
- Understanding the principles of various quality standards and aspects of legal compliance in various areas under the control of an FM.
- Ability to inform and educate their teams on the essentials of standards
- Ability to implement ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 41001, OSHAS 18001, HACCP 22000 quality standards and legal compliances pertaining to building, utilities and people.
- Preparing comprehensive checklists for periodic audits.
- Ability to integrate costs of quality standards in the departmental budget.
- Capability to use IT enabled Quality tracking systems
- Ensure good team building and communication.
With a combination of class room training and case studies this program prepares you to be a cross functional professional in a leadership role.